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The Photoshop Blog

The Photoshop Blog offers Photoshop news and Photoshop tips.

This is the most recent feed available as of 03/28/2025 at 03:07 AM

Texture Effects 2 $10 Off and Discount Coupon For All Topaz Plugins
Topaz Labs is excited to announce the release of Texture Effects 2, with a new image processing engine that uses extensive GPU, 90 new textures, over 400 effects, new workflow features, and an improved user interface, Texture Effects 2 is better than ever. And if that isn't enough to excite every creative bone in your body, you can get $10 off Texture Effects 2 with special promo code TFX2 until October 30, 2016. (posted by Jennifer Apple for

World's Most Powerful HDR Software - Exclusive Discount
Aurora HDR is a joint project by Macphun and Trey Ratcliff, the world's most renowned HDR photographer. This photo software brings everything other HDR editors are missing. Use coupon code PS-SUPERSAVE at checkout for an instant 10% discount. (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Amazing Pro Nik Photoshop Plugins - 100% Off - 100% Free
I've been meaning to tell you about this super deal, finally a real one - how about an amazing package of pro plugins for free? Thanks to Google, it's happening right now. Starting immediately, the latest Nik Collection will be freely available to download: Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine. Easily create the photos you’ve imagined with six powerful plug-ins for Photoshop, Lightroom, or Aperture with the Nik Collection. Use U Point technology to selectively edit just the parts of your photos that need touching up without losing time on complex masks and selections. (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Try Adobe Stock Free for One Month - Ends Soon!
Here's a great deal from Adobe that will last until only the end of November — Get 10 Free Adobe Stock Images. Offer ends November 30th.. Your first month will be refunded when you sign up for one year of Adobe Stock (10 images a month plan) at US$29.99/mo. (plus applicable taxes) Cancel risk free within the first month. World-class images right inside Photoshop and other Creative Cloud Apps. Find the perfect photo or graphic to jump-start your next project and make it amazing. Purchase, access and manage your images directly from Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, InDesign CC and other Adobe CC desktop apps... (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Topaz Full Photo Collection - Half Price - All Plugins For $249.99
It's that time of year again! From November 25th through November 30th, Topaz isoffering 50% off of the full Topaz Photography Collection. Whether you want to achieve stunning photo enhancements or apply artistic effects, this unique collection has you covered. With the recent addition of Topaz Texture Effects, the Photography Collection now includes 17 products for only $499.99. SEE COUPON CODE... (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Topaz Texture Effects Sale - $49.99
Topaz Texture Effects will be on sale through November 20th. It will retail for $69.99, however you can purchase it for only $49.99 ($20 off) until November 20th. Texture Effects allows users to create a variety of textured, toned, and lighting effects in a fraction of the time it takes in other editing software. The program includes a library of over 150 expertly crafted effects, an extensive collection of texture assets (275+ high-resolution assets!), and instant access to effects other Topaz users have shared with the new Topaz Community. That means no more scouring the web for a look that inspires you. With Texture Effects, inspiration is only a click away... (posted by Jennifer Apple for

PhotoshopSupport and Adobe Exclusive Deal On Creative Cloud Photography Plan - Save Up To 20% On Your First Year and Adobe invite you to become a Creative Cloud Photography plan member today and save up to 20% on your first year! You'll pay just US$7.99 every month for the first year for a Creative Cloud Photography plan membership which includes access to Photoshop CC and Lightroom. Offer valid from October 28, 2015 to November 28, 2016, for customers of only. Use this link to get this exclusive deal... (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Adobe Announces Major Updates to its Entire Photoshop and Lightroom Product Line
From the Adobe Blog: Today’s announcement is so broad that some product updates are immediately available while others are still undergoing finishing touches from our engineers and will ship in the coming weeks. As always, all the updates are available to Creative Cloud members according to your plan. Here’s what’s available today... (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Merging multiple images to create a panorama
From Camera Raw Essential Training with Julieanne Kost, a new free video tutorial: Merging multiple images to create a panorama. (posted by Jennifer Apple for

All About Smart Objects - Free Video Tutorial
You’ve likely heard the term “Smart Objects” when talking about non-destructive editing, but what exactly are they, and how do they differ from traditional layers? Find out in this free video tutotial. (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Creating Time-Lapse Videos In Photoshop - Free Tutorial
Photoshop makes it really easy to take a sequence of images and make a video, creating what is typically known as a time-lapse video. Check it out in this free tutorial — Creating a time-lapse video in Photoshop from (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Clipping An Image Inside Type - Free Photoshop Video Tutorial
Discover how easy it is to clip a photograph within type with this free video (Clipping an image inside type in Photoshop), from (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Photoshop Text Effect Tutorial - Scott Kelby
This text effect tutorial from Scott Kelby is a good one. Based on an a Photoshop CC feature that is mostly unknown. (posted by Jennifer Apple for

Using Blend Modes To Emulate An Image Transfer Effect - Free Photoshop Video Training
Watch the leatest free video from Julieanne Kost at, Using blend modes to emulate an image transfer effect. See how easy it is to use blend modes to emulate an image transfer effect in Photoshop. (posted by Jennifer Apple for



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