Depiction receives an average of 900 unique visitors per day and growing. If you would like to advertise whether to increase your website's traffic or sell products, this is the perfect place to do it. You can advertise your site and help keep Depiction up and running at the same time.
All advertisments are text links below the random header image on each page. (We do not offer banner advertising. Text advertising is more likely to be clicked by visitors then banners because internet users have seen so many of them over the years that they have completely ignored them.)
Depending on advertising space available, 5 to 7 ads run at a time. If all spots are filled, you will be placed on a waiting list until one becomes available.
30 day
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3 month
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Once the above form has been filled out and payment has been received, you will be contacted to confirm and verify the ad title and target url. Once this is confirmed, please allow 24-48 hours until the ad is viewable, assuming a spot is available.