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Track all server ports to see if they are working properly.

This code snippet, which web hosts may find very useful, can easily track all server ports and display whether they are working properly.


function lookup_ports($hport,$who)
$fp = fsockopen($who, $hport,$errno,$errstr, 4);
if (!$fp){
$data = "<font color=red>".Failed."</font>";
} else {
$data = "<font color=green>".OK."</font>";
return $data;
$domain = ($domain) ? strip_tags($domain) : str_replace("www.","",$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"]) ;
echo "<li><b>".DOMAIN.":</b> $domain</li>";

echo "<li><b>HTTP:</b> <i>".PORT." 80 = <b>".lookup_ports("80",$domain)."</b></i></li>";

echo "<li><b>HTTPS:</b> <i>".PORT." 443 = <b>".lookup_ports("443",$domain)."</b></i></li>";

echo "<li><b>FTP:</b> <i>".PORT." 21 = <b>".lookup_ports("21",$domain)."</b></i></li>";

echo "<li><b>SSH:</b> <i>".PORT." 22 = <b>".lookup_ports("22",$domain)."</b></i></li>";

echo "<li><b>SMTP:</b> <i>".PORT." 25 = <b>".lookup_ports("25",$domain)."</b></i></li>";

echo "<li><b>POP:</b> <i>".PORT." 110 = <b>".lookup_ports("110",$domain)."</b></i></li>";

echo "<li><b>MySQL:</b> <i>".PORT." 3306 = <b>".lookup_ports("3306",$domain)."</b></i></li>";

This script pulls the domain name that it is currently on and uses that in the check, there is no need to declare a domain name unless you would prefer it that way.


$domain = ($domain) ? strip_tags($domain) : str_replace("www.","",$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"]) ;


$domain = '';

In Action:

Tutorial Submitted by: Solan



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