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Tutorials > PHP

Browser Info
Display a visitor's browser info.
PHP Includes
Embed content into a page. With this you can update one page (ex. navigation) and the code will update it on every page.
Learn how to make pages with ids.
Last Modified
Learn how to display the date and time when a page was last updated.
IP Address
Display a visitor's IP address on your site.
Display Referrer
Display where your visitor came from to your site.
Get Host
Get the internet host name or ISP corresponding to a given IP address.
PHP Load Time
Display in seconds how long the page took to load.
Alternating Backgrounds by Clayton
Alternate the backgrounds of table rows displayed from a MySQL database.

Guest Tutorials

Site Status Via Ports by Solan
Track all server ports to see if they are working properly.
Tutorial System by Kevin Lynn Steinwand
A walkthrough showing how to create a basic tutorial system.
Sending SMS Thru HTTP by Farheen Rehman
Find out how webmasters send single or bulk sms from their webpages.
Caching PHP Pages by Nick Papanotas
An introduction to the advanced technniques of caching with PHP.
Affiliate System by CodingHub
A walkthrough showing how to create your affiliation system.
Contact Form by Richard Ye
A walkthrough showing how to creating your own send mail php script for a contact form on your website.
PHP Cookie and Session Variables by Blacksoft
An introduction to PHP cookies and session variables. PHP server variables are mainly using for sending the data from one page to another.

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