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Tutorials > Photoshop > Keyboard Shortcuts


Learn to get acquainted with Photoshop's fast shortcuts.

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Adobe's Photoshop has numerous keyboard shortcuts designed for photoshop experts to work faster to create graphics. However, there are way too many shortcuts to memorize, so I've compiled a list of some of the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts.

These shortcuts are intended for Photoshop 7 and CS users.

File Menu

Action Keys
1. New Document 1. Ctrl+N
2. Open Document 2. Ctrl+O
3. Browse 3. Shift+Ctrl+O
4. Open As 4. Alt+Ctrl+O
5. Close 5. Ctrl+W
6. Close All 6. Ctrl+Shift+W
7. Save 7. Ctrl+S
8. Save As 8. Ctrl+Shift+S
9. Save a Copy 9. Ctrl+Alt+S
10. Save for Web 10. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S
11. Page Setup 11. Ctrl+Shift+P
12. Jump to Image Ready 12. Ctrl+Shift+M
13. Exit 13. Ctrl+Q

Edit Menu

Action Keys
1. Undo 1. Ctrl+Z
2. Step Back (History) 2. Ctrl+Alt+Z
3. Step Forward (History) 3. Ctrl+Shift+Z
4. Cut 4. Ctrl+X
5. Copy 5. Ctrl+C
6. Copy Merged 6. Ctrl+Shift+C
7. Paste 7. Ctrl+V
8. Paste Into 8. Ctrl+Shift+V
9. Free Transform 9. Ctrl+T

Image Menu

Action Keys
1. Adjust Levels 1. Ctrl+L
2. Adjust Auto Levels 2. Ctrl+Shift+L
3. Adjust Auto Contrast 3. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L
4. Adjust Curves 4. Ctrl+M
5. Adjust Color Balance 5. Ctrl+B
6. Adjust Hue/Saturation 6. Ctrl+U
7. Desaturate 7. Ctrl+Shift+U
8. Invert 8. Ctrl+I
9. Extract 9. Ctrl+Alt+X

Layer Menu

Action Keys
1. New Layer 1. Ctrl+Shift+N
2. Layer via Copy 2. Ctrl+J
3. Layer via Cut 3. Ctrl+Shift+J
4. Group with Previous 4. Ctrl+G
5. Bring to Front 5. Ctrl+Shift+]
6. Bring Forward 6. Ctrl+]
7. Send Backward 7. Ctrl+[
8. Send Back 8. Ctrl+Shift+[
9. Merge Layers 9. Ctrl+E
10. Merge Visible 10. Ctrl+Shift+E

Select Menu

Action Keys
1. Select All 1. Ctrl+A
2. Deselect 2. Ctrl+D
3. Reselect 3. Ctrl+Shift+D
4. Inverse 4. Ctrl+Shift+I
5. Feather 5. Ctrl+Alt+D

Filters Menu

Action Keys
1. Last Filter 1. Ctrl+F
2. Fade 2. Ctrl+Shift+F
3. Extract 3. Ctrl+Alt+X
4. Liquify 4. Ctrl+Shift+X
5. Pattern Maker 5. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X

View Menu

Action Keys
1. Proof Colors 1. Ctrl+Y
2. Zoom In 2. Ctrl++
3. Zoom Out 3. Ctrl+-
4. Zoom In & Resize Window 4. Ctrl+Alt++
5. Zoom Out & Resize Window 5. Ctrl+Alt+-
6. Actual Pixels 6. Ctrl+Alt+0
7. Show/Hide Target Path 7. Ctrl+Shift+H
8. Show/Hide Rulers 8. Ctrl+R
9. On/Off Snap 9. Ctrl+Shift+;
10. Show/Hide Extras 10. Ctrl+H
11. Lock Guides 11. Ctrl+Alt+;
12. Show Guides 12. Ctrl+;
13. Show Grid 13. Ctrl+'

Misc. Shortcuts

Action Keys
1. Fill with Forground Color 1. Alt+Backspace
2. Fill with Background Color 2. Shift+Backspace
3. Ascend through Layers 3. Alt+]
4. Descend through Layers 4. Alt+[
5. Select Top Layer 5. Shift+Alt+]
6. Select Bottom Layer 6. Shift+Alt+[
7. Show/Hide All Palettes 7. Tab



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