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Tutorials > HTML > Images


Adding Images

Placing images on your site is very easy. Use the following code:

<img src="image.jpg" width="width of image goes here" height="height of image goes here" alt="describe your image here">


The width and height isn't needed, but it helps the image load faster and can be used to change the size of the image. Also, alt isn't required. This is used in place of the image if it can not be found on the server.

Image Aligning

In order to have text or other objects wrap around an image, you need to use the align tag. It's inserted just like this:

<img src="screen.jpg" align="left or right goes here" width="width of image goes here" height="height of image goes here" alt="describe your image here">


<img src="images/screen.jpg align="right" width="76" height="110" alt="Screen">


text goes here

Adding space around an image

To add an invisible border to an image use:

hspace="x" (add space to the left and right sides of the image)

vspace="x" (add space to the top and bottom of the image)

Adding space around an image

To add an image as the background of your page, use the following to the body command:

<body background="image url">



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