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Guest Tutorial Submission


You can earn $5-$10 USD with a link to your website and help Depiction grow by submitting your tutorial today.

(If you don't want to create one, but would like to submit a tutorial suggestion, please contact us.)

Submission Process:

Upon the creation of your tutorial, make an HTML file including the steps and pictures to produce the final product. Then place the files in a compressed zip archive. (If you are unfamiliar with this process, click here to see how its done.)

Next fill out the following form after reading the Disclaimer. After filling out the form below you will be asked to reply to the confirmation e-mail by attaching the tutorial's files. Within a day or two I will e-mail you to let you know if I have accepted your tutorial. If I have accepted your tutorial, I will also ask for your Paypal e-mail to sent payment for the tutorial. If neccessary, I will fix the steps to make them more understandable and create new pictures to better represent each step.


Please read carefully. By submitting the following form, you agree to the following:

1. Tutorials submitted must not be used on any other site; even on the author's website, if applicable.
2. All tutorials must be original and created by the submitter, the author.
3. A name or link to the author's site, if applicable, will be provided next to the snapshot or link to the tutorial and at the end of each guest tutorial.
4. If Depiction finds that the guest tutorial has been copied or ripped, the full tutorial and author will be turned over to the proper authorities.
5. As an addition to Depiction, we have the right to submit your tutorial to tutorial databases such as and
6. New: Only two tutorials will be accepted per person, per month.

If this agreement is broken, Depiction has the authority to remove your tutorial and any links to your site at any time.




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