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Fluid Mask

Exclusive Fluid Mask Discount Price - $229 ($10 off)

In a partnership with Vertus Software, we are offering Fluid Mask at the special discounted rate of just $229 - PLUS free upgrades for the next 6 months. This is an exclusive offer for visitors of Depiction. To qualify, visit the discount price page.

Fluid Mask Overview

Fluid Mask is a highly advanced software tool designed to make life easier for everyone who creates cut outs. Built as a plug-in to Adobe Photoshop, Fluid Mask is the new next-generation cut-out tool. Behind the product is breakthrough technology that mimics the way the eye, optic-nerve and brain perform visual processing. It offers an intuitive, accurate and fast approach to cut outs.

Using Fluid Mask you apply selections to a meta-data layer of image information called the Image Information Layer (IIL). This is made up of boundary, texture and color information pulled from your image.

The benefits of this approach are:

Benefits of Fluid Mask 3

Fantastic Results

Now professional results are more possible than ever before. Make super fine mask selections using new sampling and selecting tools. Check out the new edge blending algorithms. And the new complex hair blending that automatically gets great results from multi-colored whispy hair. No longer should hair be the cutting-out nightmare it is today.

Model Hair - Fluid Mask

Faster than ever

Not only is image processing time dramatically reduced but we have concentrated on speeding up workflow. Check out features like saving your workspace settings from one image to the next for runs of studio shots; and our new Patch technology with its intuitive tool-set for working on those difficult problem areas with compression artefact, poor edges and complicated backgrounds.

Easy to pick up and use

Fluid Mask 3 benefits from a simplified interface and masses of on-application help to make picking it up easy and fun. For the professional user there are new features such as selecting areas for local detailed edge finding and blending that make masking challenges simple to overcome.

New Features in Fluid Mask 3

• Localized edge detection and blending - for faster workflow
• Faster initial image processing - up to 40%
• Better blending - especially for hair and problem edges
• New look application - full screen / no desktop visible
• Localize problem areas for greater workflow enhancement
• Great new tools for fine mask selections
• Best of breed Help - now there's an innovative in-application Tool Tips box with links to application based xml help files and tutorials

Offering you:

Speed - One-Mask lets you work quickly on your cut outs.

Opportunity - work with images you'd never contemplate cutting out before.

Detail - preserve all-important edge information for a professional quality cut out.

Fluid Mask

Fluid Mask Cut-Out Gallery

On the Fluid Mask Cutout Gallery page you'll find some of the complex cut outs Fluid Mask can help you create. Getting such precision results may look like a lengthy process but each of these didn't take long to complete.

You can also e-mail your 'before' and 'after' cut-out images that were made using Fluid Mask. If your images appear on the gallery, you'll be sent a free copy of Fluid Mask for you to give to a friend.


Download a free trial of Fluid mask.
System Requirements: Adobe Photoshop 7.0 or higher, Mac OS X 10.2.8 or higher with 833Mhz G4 or higher, or Windows 2000® or above with a processor speed of 750Mhz or higher.

Free Fluid Mask Tutorials Online

Fluid Mask 2.0 Overview
This tutorial shows you the revolutionary new features of Fluid Mask 2.0 by taking you through the cut-out process step-by-step.

An introduction to masks and brushes
In this tutorial you'll be introduced to the three mask types and the tools we use to apply them.

The simplicity of One Mask
In this tutorial you'll be introduced to the basic concept of applying a mask, performing a test render and creating a cut out.

Introducing the Region Editor
In this tutorial you'll be introduced to the Region Editor and how to apply masks at a pixel level.

Mastering the Edge Noise filter
Here we see how the Edge Noise filter can help us smooth edges and create perfect cut-outs.

Forcing edges
This tutorial demonstrates the Force edge tool and how it can be called upon as a last resort.

Complex foregrounds & backgrounds
This tutorial demonstrates how to tackle images with complex backgrounds and foregrounds by working with Regions.

Dealing with hair
This tutorial illustrates the blending power of the Complex mask and shows you how to work within confined regions.

Defocused edges
In this example we show you how to achieve great results when dealing with defocused images.

Dealing with a spectral effect
Some images suffer from what we call Spectral Effect. Learn what they are and how to deal with them.



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