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Webmaster Articles > Use RSS Feeds In Your Marketing


Learn how to use RSS feeds to help market your website.

It was Friday night. I finished reading a book about RSS feeds. Quickly set up one for my site, submitted it on directories and went to bed.

Sunday morning, I noticed a sale. Idly, I scanned my logs to see where the buyer had found me.

It was from Yahoo! Now that may not seem surprising, except... I had not been listed in Yahoo! before.

Curious, I did a Yahoo! Search for my domain name... and almost fainted in shock! There were 123 of my pages listed - many of them in the top 10 ranks on my best keywords.

My RSS feed had been listed within 48 hours - and since my other pages were linked from it, they had all been indexed by Yahoo! just as quickly. And for free!

Since then I have heard many others share similar experiences. It is no fluke. RSS is H-O-T. And search engines LOVE it.

So what is RSS An acronym for Really Simple Syndication, it is a web language format designed to help syndicate content across different sources.

RSS has been around for more than 10 years but has only recently become popular. RSS feeds provide headlines and summaries of information in a concise and standardized way.

The rise in RSS popularity, specially among marketers, has many reasons. Email filters and new legislation have lowered the effectiveness of email marketing. Content syndication in many different ways is gathering momentum. And fresh, frequently updated content is the very essence of the Web.

How can you use RSS feeds in your marketing Is there a way to turn RSS feeds into profits

Absolutely. Here are some ideas:

And thats not all. On a bet, I sat down and listed 41 different ideas to profit from RSS feeds. Im sure you can do it too - and turn the hot new revolution in online communication into a money magnet for your ebusiness.


About the Author
Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian has been marketing with blogs for over 3 years. His free 5 day RSS Primer explains the basics of RSS Marketing - sign up here: He is also author of How To Profit From RSS Feeds - 41 Quick & Easy Ideas For RSS Feed Publishers -



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