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Webmaster Articles > Do-It-Yourself Search Engine Optimization


Search engine optimization, or SEO, is big business and can become very expense. Find out about some tools that will make do-it-yourself search engine optimization easy.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is big business. If you rely on search engines to bring visitors to your business website, you need to rely on more than luck. Your business will lag far short of its potential unless your site is optimized and re-optimized for search engine results.

What is search engine optimization?
SEO is optimizing your website for search engines, acquiring inbound links, and monitoring your traffic and referring links to use them optimally. SEO is also studying and monitoring your competitors’ techniques.

The goal of SEO is to bring in targeted traffic that is organic, i.e., from search results. When people type in a keyword or phrase that you’ve optimized your site for, you want your site to appear on the first page, preferably high on that page. Good SEO results in increased traffic without the cost and time spent on advertising.

The SEO industry
Where there’s a need, there’s an industry ready to help you spend money on that need. SEO firms charge from a few hundred dollars up to six-figure amounts to optimize your site for search engines.

If paying thousands of dollars to an SEO firm isn’t in your budget, consider using SEO packages to optimize your site yourself.

A combination of SEO tools is needed to get the best results. The SEO packages described below offer a variety of tools to help you optimize your site for search engines.

SEO tools compared
While we've listed numerous features of each SEO tool, these comparisons are summaries only.

Internet Business Promoter (IBP)
Known for their link popularity tool ARELIS, IBP also produces a three-step suite of tools to help you promote your website:

1. Page optimization

2. Page promotion

3. Results tracking

Price: $179.95 or $349.95.

Links Manager is designed to help users manage reciprocal linking. It doesn’t require any software downloads, and current links pages can be imported into it. Some of its features:

Link organization and formatting

Link management and tracking

Price: $19.95 a month.

SEO Administrator
SEO Administrator automates website promotion with tools that can do these tasks:

Keywords and site visitors

Search engines and directories

Price: from $70 to $150, depending on the version.

Article continues on page 2.



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